Friday, April 23, 2010

Make A Mistake

Go ahead.
Make a mistake.
It's OK.
Did you ever notice that the people who are getting a lot of things done, the folks who accomplish a lot are also the ones making periodic mistakes? They go hand in hand. If you are not trying new things, stirring things up, making a difference and putting energy into your efforts then - guess what? You are probably not making any miscues.

A guaranteed fact: Those who do nothing make no mistakes.

Is this to say that you should try to mess things up? Of course not. No one tries for mistakes. But they sometimes just happen. The answer is to make a note of the mistake, move on and try not to make that same mistake twice.
Thomas Edison invented the lighbulb after thousands of "mistakes". When asked about all those "mistakes" which preceeded his invention, he replied "They were experiments. Each experiment proved another way which did not produce the desired outcome. They were not mistakes."
He persevered.
You can do the same with whatever it is that you are doing. Keep at it!
A mistake is by no means the end of the world. In the final analysis, it can be one of your greatest tools of learning. On many levels.

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