Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Think it Over

You have a big decision to make. Or it could be a small one. Someone is expecting an answer. You give in by quickly making your choice in a hurried manner. A snap decision. No real thought has gone into it, but there it is - you've given your final answer. Of course, you cannot be terribly surprised if the results of that decision turn out to be less than adequate.
How many times has this happened to you? Better yet, how many times has it happened to you just within the last couple of days on different levels.
The point is that we are constantly making all kinds of decisions.
If you have the "luxury" of having time to consider a particular matter, by all means make use of it. Consider all of the angles. Mull over the potential consequences of various directions. Time is your friend!
When thought is applied to any situation the odds of a high quality outcome increase exponentially. If this appears to you to be a very simple, fundamental rule of thumb - you are right. But it is a rule that we all too easily forget.
Keep it in mind.
Remind yourself about it.
For it can have a tremendously beneficial impact on the quality of your Life.

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